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UC Information Security Council (ISC)

The University of California Information Security Council (ISC) is the university-wide collective of Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and is chartered by the UC Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council.

The primary responsibility of the Information Security Council is to serve as a consulting and advisory body on cybersecurity initiatives to the Systemwide CISO, UC CIO Council, Cyber-Risk Governance Committee (CRGC), Council of Chancellors, President of the UC System, and other UC Leadership. The work of ISC supports UC's mission and drives collaborative cybersecurity initiatives that yield mutual benefits for multiple locations and the UC system as a whole. Click here to view the ISC Charter.

Voting Members

Each UC location has appointed a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Information Security Officer (ISO). All UC location Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), along with the Systemwide CISO, serve as voting members of the Information Security Council (ISC).

 Location CISO
Agriculture and Natural Resources Jacqueline Hsieh Wojan
Berkeley  Allison Henry
Davis Cheryl Washington
Davis Medical Center Nicholas Borton (Committee Co-Chair)
Irvine Josh Drummond
Irvine Medical Center Gabriel Gracia
Lawrence Berkeley Lab Jay Krous
Los Angeles Drake Chang
Los Angeles Medical Center Edgar Tijerino
Merced Nick Hansard (Interim)
Office of the President April Sather (Committee Co-Chair)
Riverside Dewight Kramer
Riverside School of Medicine
Dewight Kramer
San Diego Arlene Yetnikoff
San Diego Medical Center Scott Currie
San Francisco School of Medicine & Medical Center  Patrick Phelan
Santa Barbara Jackson Muhirwe
Santa Cruz Brian Hall
Systemwide Security Office
Monte Ratzlaff (Interim)

Ex-Officio Members

These are non-voting members representing ISC strategic partners such as the Liaison to the CIO Council, Systemwide Privacy & Compliance, and the supporting team from the systemwide information security office. Ex-officios support the ISC by facilitating communication with other UC committees and advocating to the UC CIO Council and Executive Leadership across UC.

Role Ex-Officio Member Name
Liaison to the UC CIO Council Josh Bright
UCOP Information Technology Services, Information Security Manager Vacant
UCOP Information Technology Services, Cyber-Risk Coordination Center (C3) Program Manager
Also serving as Interim Systemwide Security Officer
Monte Ratzlaff
UCOP Information Technology Services, Systemwide IT Policy Director Vacant
UCOP Systemwide Compliance & Privacy Officers Noelle Vidal and Al Lavassani

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